Feel free to share pictures, tips, or just chat about what you love to do when you’re not on your BlindShell!
What I enjoy as something to do, although I don’t know if whether or not I’d call it a HOBBY, though, but THIS, out of COUNTLESS OTHER THINGS to do, is when I take MASSIVE PLEASURE in MERCILESSLY PROVOKING the FURIOUS RESPONSES of THOSE of the general 2020-sighted public whenever I BRAZENLY DEFY their ignorance by DELIBERATELY NOT CONFORMING to whatever THEIR DELIBERATE “MISPERCEPTIONS” of how WE, ESPECIALLY those of us that have been TOTALLY “SIGHT-FREE” ALL OUR LIVES, are EXPECTED to at-THEIR-mercy-respond to THEM, and ALWAYS get away with the “WEAPONIZATION,” if you will, of my BLATANT BEHAVIOR at them.
In FACT, HERE’S a copy of the SECOND part of what I submitted to the “CONTACT US” folks at our METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY (www.mta.info), even though I can’t find the FIRST part, but it’s CASE NO. 05580670, in the event that any of you might wanna read it, which I wrote: “Picking up from where I left off, the reason for my ALWAYS-RIGHTFUL INSUBORDINATION is to AGGRESSIVELY ENFORCE that I, being TOTALLY SIGHT-FREE, am ABSOLUTELY NO MORE of a LIABILITY RISK than any of YOU PATHETIC SIGHTIES are, so THEREFORE, I’ll NEVER ADHERE to ANY of these self-concocted protocols of yours, ABSOLUTELY IRREGARDLESS of ANY, IF SUCH EVEN EXISTS, RAMIFICATIONS that COULD directly or indirectly result, responsively, as I RELENTLESSLY CONTINUE to TAUNTINGLY WEAPONIZE my equaling-with-you-interdependent conduct DIRECTLY IN YOUR FACE, ALWAYS GUARANTEED to get away with it, THUS, ALWAYS RENDERING you INEVITABLY POWERLESS to resist my THOROUGHLY UNLEASHED BRAZEN DISOBEDIENCE, SIMPLY BECAUSE my endeavor is to VIGOROUSLY INCITE OTHERS within our sight-free community to do LIKEWISE, just to see how far the envelope’s pushed, and will STILL continue to ENDLESSLY PUSH BEYOND WHATEVER and WHEREVER SUCH POINT IS, SUCCESSFULLY.”
I’ve been saving calendars since 2016. I don’t have a lot of room where I live, so I connsider this to be a small hobby. I get Braille calendars every year, so I save them